What you need to know about the installation of a seal

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Almost every person in his life faces the need to fill a tooth. In this article, we'll discuss what feels normal after a filling and what doesn't.

1. Does the filling interfere

A feeling of discomfort is a normal reaction of the body to a foreign material. After a few days, the sensation should go away. If it doesn't go away, see your dentist, and the filling may need some adjustments.

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2. Pain at the injection site

Yes, inflammation at the site of the anesthetic injection, although not frequent, can occur. The soreness should go away within two days.

3. pain after a filling is placed after a filling is placed

It occurs depending on the amount of manipulation in the dental bone. If a small filling was placed, you may not have such sensitivity. But if you have had a major cleaning with nerve removal, sensitivity is inevitable after that, because you have had a deep intervention in the tooth tissue. It takes about 1.5 to 2 weeks to heal.

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If bite pain persists for more than three weeks, it is a clear sign of serious complications. Be sure to see your doctor to prevent more serious consequences.

4. Tooth and gum sensitivity

Because manipulation was performed that may have disturbed the natural environment of the mouth - this leads to sensitivity. Tooth sensitivity is the disruption of the tooth coating and exposure of nerve endings. There can be several causes. As written earlier, it may just be enough to wait a little while and the sensitivity will go away.

If the dentist severely compromised the integrity of the enamel during dental treatment, special preparations to reduce sensitivity and enrich the tooth enamel with fluoride would be required.

Gum sensitivity to cold or hot is caused by changes in the gums during dental procedures.

This phenomenon is temporary. With regular use of gum strengthening rinses, the sensitivity will eventually go away for good.

5. Different colors of fillings and teeth

Unfortunately, many dentists do not attach much importance to the color shades of the filling material. This leads to the fact that the discoloration of the filling and the tooth, although not very much, is still noticeable. Therefore, only go to a good specialist who specializes in aesthetic dentistry, because the difference in colors can create considerable discomfort for you.

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