Dental treatment without pain

dental treatment for a girl in Cherkassy at Bagita Clinic without pain

There is no doubt that dental health plays an important role in a person's full life. But most people avoid going to the dentist for fear of pain, and delay treatment until it is impossible to go any further.

Of course, you should not postpone dental treatment, because neglected diseases require more time for treatment and this one costs an order of magnitude more. But what about the pain?

why do cavities appear?

Is it possible to treat teeth without pain?

Fortunately, the days of dental treatment without anesthesia are over. Thanks to modern developments and the latest anesthesia techniques, today the Bagita Clinic can guarantee its patients procedures without any painful sensations and even, if necessary, under the general anesthesia.

dental treatment in Cherkassy

The qualification and medical approach of specialists who work in the dental clinic "Bagita" also plays a significant role.

Treating tooth decay and gums without pain

Caries is treated by removing damaged tooth bone tissue and replacing it with filling material. Caries is divided into superficial, medium and deep caries. Thanks to modern methods such asdental treatment under a microscope, tooth filling has become much better and more precise.

Dental treatment with a microscope

By using a variety of anesthetics, the dentist can ensure that the procedure is painless regardless of the severity of the condition or the complexity of the treatment.