Many parents ask this question, arguing that baby teeth will soon fall out and there is no point in wasting energy and money on it. Yes, it is true that milk teeth fall out and eventually change to permanent teeth, but it does not happen as quickly as it seems. Usually, the change of milk teeth starts from the age of 5 (for front teeth) and can last until the age of 11-12 (for chewing teeth).

picture of a baby with baby teeth

Baby teeth are not just a "rehearsal" for permanent teeth. They perform a number of important functions:

1. Milk teeth help to chew food thoroughly and the digestive process goes well.

2. Healthy baby teeth are also important for the formation of correct pronunciation and speech. Improperly formed speech hinders communication and is difficult to correct in the future.

3. Baby teeth are important to treat because they are necessary for the formation of the jaw and a proper bite. If a child loses baby teeth early, the jaw does not grow properly, and when permanent teeth begin to erupt, they do not always have enough room and develop a bite disorder.

4. Healthy baby teeth also affect a child's psychological health. Don't assume that children don't notice when your child has decayed teeth. Children may tease and taunt you because of an ugly smile.

picture of a baby with baby teeth

If milk teeth are not treated, it leads to serious complications:

Cavities have the infectious property of spreading to healthy teeth. If the cause is not treated at the very beginning, when damage to one tooth occurs, many more teeth will need to be treated as a result.

Beneath the baby teeth, in the bone tissue, are the rudiments of permanent teeth. If caries is not treated at the beginning, the infection can spread to the tissues near the permanent tooth, which will lead to a violation of its development. As a result, the permanent tooth will be diseased before it has time to grow, and in the worst cases - will be completely destroyed.

Infection leads to inflammation of the dental nerve, which causes pain in the child. The child has difficulties with eating, as the aching teeth make it very difficult to chew food and, as a result, digestion is impaired.

Pain stimulates the body to produce cortisol, a "stress hormone" that lowers immunity and can even cause respiratory problems. Pain makes your child nervous and irritable.

A child's baby teeth play an important role in the normal development of the jaw and the growth of permanent teeth, healthy digestion and good health. After all, there is nothing more beautiful than a healthy and happy smile on a child's face!

Dental clinic «Bagita» provides the best treatment of children's teeth in Cherkassy and the region. We use advanced technologies and European medical products for the treatment of children's teeth. Specially equipped children's room, allows high-quality and stress-free treatment. Pediatric dentistry at Dental Clinic «Baguita» — is a step into the future.