Why are dental implants necessary?

photo of a girl after dental implantation at Bagita Dental Clinic

Every year, medicine advances and more and more people are deciding to implant placement. This procedure has many advantages over other methods of tooth restoration. One of them is the complete restoration of the tooth with artificial materials. Other methods such as placing a crown or removable bridge have proven to be less practical and comfortable. Moreover, they do not last long, unlike implants.

Why is there a need to place an implant?

Dental diseases have become much younger in recent decades. If earlier people lost their teeth after 45-50 years of age, today this age is 30 years. Unfortunately, due to many reasons, such as pregnancy, lack of calcium in the body, weakened immune system and others, leads to tooth loss.

crown placement in Cherkassy

Thanks to the implant, the part of the gum where the tooth was lost can function normally again and no additional stress is placed on the other teeth. Thanks to the discovery of the famous Swedish professor Branemark, titanium was used for the manufacture of artificial tooth implants. This unique metal has the property to fuse with bone tissue and does not cause inflammation and rejection.

Indications for dental implant placement

Today, there are almost no limitations to dental implant placement.

For example, in Ukraine, the oldest patient was 92 years old!

While health conditions and chronic diseases used to be a significant obstacle to this procedure, it is not a problem today. For example, while diabetes used to be considered a contraindication, today the correction of a chronic disease is prescribed and dental implants are performed afterwards.

Life after dental implantation

Fortunately, implant engraftment is nearly one hundred percent. Only less than two percent of implants placed do not fuse, and often due to physician error.

Dental implants are no different from your own teeth and even better. You can live the lifestyle you are accustomed to. The implant is lifelong and will not need to be replaced over time. Depending on the quality of the crown, it will need to be replaced after approximately 20 years.

implantation in Ukraine

It is important to take the choice of clinic very seriously, because your teeth are your health and quality of life. Bagita Dental Clinic one of the best in Ukraine, provides its clients with European-level services. When visiting the dentistry, ask about the qualification of specialists, equipment and place of implants. Take care of your health!